Recognizing the Natural Gift of “Giving” Inside of You

by | Feb 8, 2019 | Empowerment, Giftings, Inspiration, Purpose, Wealth | 0 comments

The Gift Blogging Table

From the desk of The Worthbeingologist

Recognizing the Natural Gift of “Giving” Inside of You
Subtitle: The Natural Gift of “Giving” Is The Key to Success and Happiness

The Natural Gift of “Giving” has been freely given to us before we were formed in our mother’s womb. In other words, we were empowered with a Natural Gift of “Giving.” As soon as you recognize, define, unleash and utilize (give birth to) that Natural Gift of “Giving” which is inside of you, it will deliver you. What are you saying Worthbeingologist? Any Natural Gift that we…

1. Recognize, we have to…
2. Define what it is…
3. Unleash, so we can…
4. Utilize our Gifts to:

create (be productive)
build (be fruitful)
give (be generous)
teach (multiply)

Proverbs 18:16 KJV says, A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.

NIV: A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

You have a choice to either:

1. Go through the process of all the above and receive the benefits and blessings that are in-stored for you. Or, you can ignore all of the above and not receive. If you can only imagine, by ignoring the process, not only will you do damage to yourself, neglect yourself from achieving and receiving bountiful blessings so that you can live out your divine purpose you will be miserable. Think of your family, that generational wealth you always dreamed about building to obtain a legacy for your children. And, don’t be selfish. We were created to teach to empower others with our Natural Gifts, so they can be strong to step out and use their Gifts to accomplish the same.

Giving and blessings ties together. When you “Give” you will be blessed.

There are many benefits you will receive when you utilize your Natural Gift of “Giving.” It comes back to you in many ways over and over again.
Luke 6:38 KJV Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
NIV Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Some of you are familiar with this renowned statement, “what gets measured gets managed.” It is so true and effective. Remember to place a Measure to Manage Plan of Action in your personal life and business to track the areas of:

1. shortcomings
2. growth and
3. success

“Giving” is expressed on many platforms. For example:

Using your Natural Gifts of…




A Smile

Words of Encouragement

Give Honor

Praying for another

You can “Give” with money 

Your time with…




Local Youth



Promote Businesses that have an impact on your life via: 

    social media
    local community

Giving is not all about you expecting or receiving. Don’t get it twisted. Have a mindset of “I will use my Natural Gift of “Giving” not expecting to receive something in return. This has a bigger positive impact on your returns because you have already transformed your thinking to receive if you don’t get a return on your investment, it’s okay.

Knowing this in advance, when you exercise your Natural Gift of “Giving” you have the “faith” to believe your “Giving” will manifest whatever you desire towards your Natural Gift of “Giving.” BUT! If it doesn’t, hold on because this is a twofold:

1. You have learned that your investment “wasn’t” sown into good ground. Good ground for example: an individual, business, charity, etc. So, what do you do?

a. Pray for direction and if in your heart you feel you should cut your ties so be it and continue to pray for  direction to try something or one to invest in. Your “Giving” was not wasted or given in vain. You will  reap in a different way. Many of us get discouraged and give up on your Natural Gift of “Giving” for this reason. That is a trick of the enemy trying to distract and take you away from your blessings of return.  Don’t give up. Re-evaluate. Remember! not to give up from receiving a return on your blessings.

2. Or, you will learn that your investment “was” sown into good ground.

Yes! Our Heavenly Father, other than our Natural Gifts, “gave” us so much. But, one in particular, He gave his only begotten son, Jesus.

Come on in Jesus. All that he went through to bear our sins and transgressions. Through the obedience of our Father God, he “gave” and sacrificed his life for us, so we would be free from all our sins and transgressions and receive his salvation. He paid it all with every beating, stripes, and the shedding of his blood, we have the victory of living a fulfilling, abundant here on earth as well as eternal life. But, there is a sacrifice we must make. What? Accept him as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Wait, we have other Witnesses: What about the three (3) Wisemen? They traveled for days to get where Jesus was, so that they could “give” to him gifts of…(Matthew 2:11)

1. Gold for Kingship on earth
2. Frankincense – deity
3. Myrrh – perfume/oil symbolizing death

These were valuable and expensive gifts.

They knew exactly what gifts would benefit Jesus during his time on earth to death.

Why are we visiting these testimonies? To demonstrate we are equipped with similar feelings, actions, and responses. Again, we must activate our Natural Gift of “Giving” because there are people waiting not just for this one (1) Gift but the many Natural Gifts that we are holding inside. The power lies within our Gifts. “We are worth more than we think.”

For more information and materials about your Natural Gifts, you can order a copy of “Claim Your Inheritance By Defining Your Natural Gifts” via.


2. Or, directly from Worth Beingology Group, LLC
     an exclusive signed copy by the
     Worthbeingologist & Author Linda L Robinson by
     “clicking here.”


Meet Your Worthbeingologist

Linda L. Robinson

Linda L. Robinson


Linda L. Robinson aka Worthbeingologist brings a hands-on approach to helping clients to clearly define and understand the importance of their “Inherited Natural Gifts.” We teach the how and why balancing biblical principles with business methodology is crucial in sustaining an impact on your vision and dreams to accomplish your purpose.

We treat every passion as a ministry. That’s why when the Worthbeingologist speaks, you will hear the love and sincerity she holds to continue to help others define and act upon their greatness.

Her selling strategies, techniques and contract negotiating skills earned her years as a Million Dollar Sales Agent Producer. It was an opportunity for Linda to allow her Inherited Natural Gifts aka INGs to shine and continue to grow.

The Worthbeingologist can take her years of experience and assist you in knowing your Worth Being so you can activate your Natural Gifts to generate streams of financial freedom, build generational wealth and teach you how to empower others to do the same.

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